Thursday, May 1, 2014


It's been a week since school started and I shall say some things are getting progressively good. I mean I made friends with my classmates especially the malays, like finally?! I also managed to talk to everyone at least. However I'm still trying to accept that I am a thorn among the roses aka the girls in my class. Everyone is so pretty and then theres me. Gosh.

Anyway lets start with Monday, almost late for Firdaus's class but I managed to rush in swee swee. And when I did, he greeted me lol "good morning ayuni". I was shocked because he knows my name already! That's fast!!!! And on my daily grade, he commented that I was not actively participative in the activities as I think I didn't voice out any questions and such. Thats because I don't have any and I was lost remember? And with that I guess, he suddenly called my name out to answer a question like what the fuck. I was flabbergasted. LOL. And the rest of the day was shitty with me trembling while reading the speech. I don't know man, I'm soooo scared like I get nervous like really really nervous I could just have a mental breakdown I guess.

Second day of week 2 which is Maths module. Err kinda shitty as we had to recapped venn diagrams again and I suck at venn diagrams because it's confusing. But I kinda breeze through thanks to my team mates. And shock factor number 2, the faci remembered my name. Like really fast?! So goooood. Anyway, wasn't anything much so went home straight after school because I was tired. And in fact, when I reach home, I crashed to bed and nap for 2 hours before doing RJ and crashing again.

Third day of week 2, Media production and tools, interesting module but very very very troublesome. I mean I don't get how to use the functions and such. It's bloody annoying. But nevertheless, I had fun using their DSLRs and video cameras like the one used in Running Man. It was great. And when Mark said that the block is rather 'dirty' as in haunted, I was kinda creeped out when I went to the toilet alone. LOL. I mean he shouldn't have told us right. And Mark is a cute faci. I really think he is the cutest amongst the male facis. And when he speaks some malay words ah, so cute and fluent LOL. Okay sorry. But his class are damn fun because he is so laidback and chill and such. Gotta love wednesdays.

Anyway I will be having touch rugby on Monday, and I am alone.:( I don't know if I should go or no. I'm so scared and intimidated. Urgh annoyinggggg.

Urgh kbye.

And I got my first C and which is from Steven. URGHFEJRKRJGNRLEKG,

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