Tuesday, April 1, 2014

happy april finally school omg

Just realized how tough it is to only do 30secs of skipping rope, 30 secs of mountain climbers and 30secs of sit ups without dying. But wow it's really affective I must say. Its only been 2 weeks since I started skipping daily for atleast 15-20mins inclusive of sit ups, leg lifts, some punching on the pillow (since I don't have any punching bag) and push ups but I could already feel some difference to my body. A little bit only hehe but better than nothing. And also my thighs are a little toner and thats really good. Only 2 weeks. 2 weeks.

Used to live at the same block back then unknowingly, classmates for 5 years and schoolmate for another 3.

Oh I went out with Joey today (aka yesterday since its april already). It's been a really long time since I met her. And the last time was when we went to the gym. Gosh how tongue twisted is that sentence hahahahha. And that was in January? It's a really long time. LOOOONG TIME. And she became much more matured and err pretty?! And here I am wondering why the hell am I like this. Anyway, we went down to RP for some of her admin stuffs and it was bloody humid and I was wearing black long sleeves since I can't find any decent nice tshirts that are actually nice. So afterwards, we proceeded to town by red line. LOL SUPER HUMID. WAS BATHING IN MY SWEATS. 

So we went to have late lunch/early dinner at KFC bandito for the win woooOOOo. And then went to Tangs to find my Herschel bag and I'm so pissed that they have yet to restock their colors like PLEASE COME ON. Was looking for rusty red color but they said it was an old season and I'm so sad. So we decided to just walk around after that and entering New Look trying on shoes and crying because a tshirt was nice. GOSH.

I had a fun day with Joey. Because it's been too long and also she's in RP. Which is great. Because apart from Yiling, Joey is the one I'm next closest too. I mean she was there for me when I had no one and I won't forget about that ever and how thankful I am to have such friend. And also the more the merrier wooohoo.

Till then. Until I find my one true Herschel.

Anyway, ep 191 running man is soooo cool and yoo jae suk is so generous I feel so happy I don't know. And when kim jong kook did the aegyo I just died because OMG SO CUTEEEEEE. AHHAHAHAH but so sad when Gary was eliminated too early. HAIS. But woobin is a sexy piece of model. He looks great in that outfit and after 3 appearance he finally won. HAHAHHAHAHA.

kbye really.

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