Monday, March 24, 2014

KL trip 3D2N

It's only been a few hours since I'm back. But I already uploaded the pictures taken in KL. Honestly, 3 days is not enough to tour around KL and also I wasn't satisfied much because my bro and cousin was always too busy massaging so I didn't had time to go H&M and shop so yeah I was rather sad. But overall okay, since I ate alot. So I am happy on that part.

KL in one word, is shocking. Why so? Because of the traffic. I mean the drivers are super irresponsible, and super dangerous. Like zebra crossing are meant to be crossed at appropriate timings and drivers should let them cross for awhile but no they didn't stopped. Instead they just zoom past and not giving a single frickin chance for pedestrian to even cross. In the end, all of us just dash. YOLO.

So day 1, nothing much. Went to airport with not a single wink of sleep at all so I tried to take cat naps along the way. Cousin thought I'm scared of flight, I don't honestly. I just hate it when they hit the clouds or suddenly the plan was lowered abruptly due to I don't know?! I'm okay with flying. Anyway, we landed in LCCT which was the budget terminal of KL and gosh the toilet please improve. I was so disgusted to do my business eventhough I was frickin urgent but I had to pass it because it was so disgusting. Anyway, the custom check queue was bloody long but luckily a lot of the counters are open. Anyway I got this male officer, and I was actually rather confused (maybe  because I don't travel much so yeah) when he suddenly asked "dari mana? (from where?) when he is clearly holding my passport and scanning through it. And he was like "tinggal mana? (live where?) / berapa lama tinggal?(how long are you staying?)". It got me flustered because I wasn't prepared for such questions. LOL. I don't know why but is it just me that feels somehow guilty whenever I go through custom checks eventhough I DON'T DO ANYTHING WRONG?!??!? Anyway, we took this bus to KLIA and ate at their food court. Superb nice. And then we trained for 28 mins to KL SENTRAL in the non stop train. And then we proceeded to check in the hotel which we have to walk for 20 mins to the hotel. BLOODYHELL IT WAS SCORCHING HOT AND MY BAG WAS SO HEAVY. Anyway the hotel was frickin nice and we were relaxing then showered and off we go to BERJAYA TIMES SQUARE by the monorail and trained to Imbi. And we took the indoor theme park and I swore to never set my foot there ever again. NEVER. I felt nauseous throughout and it lingered for more than an hour and I even feel like throwing up even when I was eating. So godammit, I wouldn't give a try for the second time ever again. Then we proceeded to walking along the streets of Imbi and finally we chanced upon a massage shop and I took the neck, back and shoulder massage because I was aching back there. And dayuuum, the massage was splendid. When she cracked my bones, omg I felt a sense of relief from my body ahhahahha. I WANT TO GO BACK AGAIN. IT WAS ONLY FOR RM78. LET ME GO BACK AGAIN. Afterwards, we walked all the way to KLCC to see the twin towers and it was so tall and so bright. That is off my bucketlist already!:) And we trained back to KL sentral and walk a few kilometres to hotel and showered and sleep. End of day 1.

Start of day 2. Woke up pretty late and finally not planning to go Sunway Lagoon which I was hoping not to go because I was just damn lazy. So we waited for 2pm to past by and we ordered room service and such and finally off to this place via the train which I forgot the name. The first thing you'll see once you drop off is Masjid Jamek. Really spacious and big mosque there. And we walked and eat and then we went to Masjid India's place which is actually a shopping place much like Geylang bazaar. Wasn't interested in any of the stuffs, lol or am I picky? Guess so. Then we walked a few and reach Petaling Street. Over here, there were a lot of replica branded items. And one that caught my eyes was Cath Kidston. It looks pretty real and I wanted to buy it but then decided not to. Again, nothing really caught my eye except that beautiful Cath Kidston. All the shops were selling the same damn thing and only the prices differ. You have to be smart enough to actually be a bargain queen/king. My cousin was buying a dress for the little cousins and the actual price was RM69 and then she went "OH, I'll walked around again" then the shopkeeper didn't want to let the opportunity go and lowered the price to RM45 and it was still too much and then my cousin really just wanna go off but she settled with RM25 each ahhahahhahaha. See, be smart. After Petaling Street, we went to to eat and then cab-ed back to the hotel. The fare was only around RM4+ (: EHEHEH. So we showered and off we go to Berjaya Times Square again for cousin's massage session. I decided to opt out and wanted to walked around to shop but as usual nothing caught my eye. Just bought a souvenir for the friend. And bought a lot of food HAHAHHAHAHHAHA. There was this piano stairs I was so tempted to run up and down but too shy since I was alone. BOOHOO. Sat at Starbucks while waiting for the cousin and the bro. In the end, my bro came and bought a dozen of Krispy Kreme for only RM19 (in Singapore it cost 20SGD PLEASE). So we cab-ed back again but this time we were overcharged for RM20 but since we were tired, we went ahead. Back at hotel, ate the donuts, surf the net and sleep. Last night of the trip so sad.

Start of day 3 and last day. Woke up at 10.30am and showered right away since we are leaving at 12pm to Imbi. Luckily I packed my stuffs the night before. So I was technically prepared. Went to Berjaya Times Square again to shop last minute since I didn't had a chance to buy anything for myself. Bought a really nice burgundy dress (which fits me perfectly and thus in love) and 2 pair of tees EHHEHEHEHEH. Bought Starbucks again, and got my name spelled like a Japanese/Korean ahhahhaaha. Afterwards, we walked to this Jalan Imbi where Transtar Solitare office is located. A glance inside, I couldn't see anyone and only then when we were waiting at the lounge, there were a lot of people there ahhahahhaha. Anyway, 3pm was the time we boarded the coach. It was nice. However, my seat is too short for me you see. I don't know whether is it my legs are too long or the sit was to cramped for me. I couldn't stretch my leg properly because it was too small!??!?!? ANYWAY THE COACH ATTENDANT IS SUPER HANDSOME HAHAHAHHA.

Because when we boarded the coach, cousin was at the front and I accidentally hit her bag with my head and was like "Aduuhh!" and the attendant by the name of Isaac saw it and thought I hit the ceiling of the bus and he was like "eh hati hati". He wanted to touch my head to see if I was okay or not but I was like "Hahhaha". Then when we started moving, he went around taking down orders like what drink bla bla. He was so handsome, I couldn't look at him when he asked me. He smell super good too. Then at the pit stop, I went down to go to the toilet and was the last one to do so. And also because I was a little bit drowsy since I have issues of standing up quickly and walking which will result in me looking tipsy, I swayed while walking down the coach stairs but I was aware/alert and holding on tightly on the railings, but I kinda came down a little faster and too dangerously and Isaac thought I tripped and he was like "eh jaga jaga!" and held his hands out to actually assist me in going down. But I was like "ahhahahaha tak lah". I keep laughing and didn't dare to look at him when I was going down and he was there. Tee hee. Then when we were at the JB custom, I WENT DOWN THE LAST AGAIN BECAUSE I WAS SLEEPING ERGH. But I was going down and as usual, my long legs decided to be adventurous and just skipped some stairs and quickly. And Isaac thought I tripped and held out his hands again ahhahahahah super funny why he keep thinking I am going to fall gosh. And when he was serving food, I am very particular of people being in close contact with me, so he was pulling out the table and my cardigan got stucked and he pulled it out for me and GOSH IT WAS SO CLOSE TO MY BODY I FELT INSECURE. ERHERJKWF. But the food was average hah lol. After eating I slept Gaaahahahahha. Anyway, when we reached golden mile, we boarded off. And he said "bye" to me ehhehehhe. I really cannot look at him because he is good looking and anyway his haircut is suave hahaha. GOSH SO CUTE I CANNOT. HI ISAAC OF TRANSTAR, IF YOU SEE THIS, PLEASE FIND ME ON FACEBOOK HAAHHAHAHAHAH.

In summary : KL would be great if it was longer. Damn. 

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