Tuesday, January 28, 2014


It's 11:52pm as I'm typing.

My head is throbbing and my eyes are hot, it can't be fever because I've not had fever for 2 years. Might be this cold weather.

Went to the gym today with Joey, and did cardio training and boy was I out of breath with only 10 mins on the treadmill. Stamina so low. Did some light weight training for my arms. Wanted to go for a run, but got too lazy as I was cycling there hehehe.

Ended watching running man ep 182 and it was sucha awesome concept and episode. And it was funny on the opening ceremony omg, I love Running Man so muchhhhhh. And when JongKook got wet and he flipped his hair back, it was so handsome of him. I think he's not insecure anymore because usually he would wear a cap, or he would quickly put his hair down. But not anymore, it was so handsome when he was wet heeee, he is 38 years old for goodness sake but still as hot and handsome still *.*

And madrasah lesson with ustaz is awesome because he's really funny and entertaining and he also kinda cute when he make stupid lame jokes. Definitely better than any of my other ustazs hahahahahaha. And yesterday we had this kinda similar to trust fall game but damn I hate such games psssh.

Went to Legoland waterpark on Saturday and it was a nice place to play all the rides without waiting for an hour or what but the stairs to the slides kill me hahahaha. Totally great workout HAAHAHAHAHAHA,.

Okay i'm in pain. omg k bye.

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