Sunday, December 8, 2013

Then like me from now on, with your heart if its possible. Because I like you.

Working is a hassle now. I want to quit. No maybe on Saturdays only. Seriously can't work well under pressure. I will explode because of my temperament. I can't withstand demanding people. As hard as I try to be patient and nice to all customer, dealing it for 10 hours is too much. How can you be so rude just because you're a customer. You don't have to bloody look down on someone. We are still human. Some are very very nice but some are downright rude and fucking asshole just like today's caucasian man and a chinese lady. I mean are you fucking blind or what? Can't you see the line is s u p e r l o n g and yet you're complaining when you're the one who is queueing!? WHO IS TO BE BLAME HERE. GODDAMIT THIS PEOPLE. As much as we tried to work quickly, we can't if YOU GUYS KEEP BUYING SMALL LITTLE ITEMS AND THEY DEMAND US THIS AND THAT AS IF YOU GUYS ARE THE ONE WRAPPING IT. FUCK YOU.

To the Chinese lady wearing the blue tee (be thankful I called you a lady),

Being an asshole to a teenage worker makes you feel good right? You might be in your late 20s and early 30s, and still rude. You could have just said that the wrapping is in a mess you see. Calling someone's wrapping ugly straight to their face is downright rude. Oh my another colleague's wrapping is nicer? Oh want me to pass it to her? Sure I can. BUT ARE YOU BLIND? DO YOU NEED A BLOODY GOGGLE OR SOMETHING? CAN'T YOU SEE SHE'S FUCKING BUSY AND LOADED WITH ITEMS TO WRAP. HOW HOW SELFISH YOU ARE. Oh, be thankful I was being fucking patient or I would have explode and lost my job on the spot. Being a selfish motherfucker isn't an answer lady. You deserved all the profanities in the world because you are one. How can you assume someone is going to wrap the same thing as another? OMG wake up woman. You had just pissed my entire day off. Atleast your mother was nicer. Bloodyhell. Rude arrogant Singaporeans. If my wrapping skills is something you're doubting, then please go ahead, step out of the line, find a bloody wrapping paper and wrap it yourself. Or better, stand in my place, I say STAND for 10 hours straight with non stop overwhelming crowds. 

Thank you Chinese lady wearing blue tee at Toys R Us at VivoCity at around 4pm plus. You deserved an award for being a selfish motherfucker. 

I am not surprised if I received a complaint about my attitude towards you because you deserved it.

Anyway, all I want to do with my life right now is to rot away the holidays and watch all the Korean dramas. Been catching up on The Heirs and Choi JinHyuk is so handsome and his deep voice swooned me. His character totally reminds me of Kim Joo Won only that Joo Won was a sassy guy and Kim Won is just, strict - plain strict. And as I'm typing this, I realized their name has a similarity hehe. And I really hate how Eun Sang is so vulnerable. It makes me miss Gil Ra Im..... Okay, I know different plot but hey both of them are poor girls and they got rich ass guys chasing them. Can I be one of them. For now, Secret Garden still holds a special place in my koreandrama heart (ahahahhaha). Because thats the only drama that got be bawling at their first few episodes already. I mean Kim Joo Won is so charming and sexy and full of charisma and here we have Kim Tan and Young Do fighting with each other (both are rich future shareholders). But now I'm at episode 10 (going to watch, its 0546am now, so tomorrow maybe haha). Its getting interesting. But still am not crying or tearing unlike Secret Garden. l o l.

Hate to work

Can I stay as a teenager for life.

p.s, above title is a quote from kim tan's confession towards eun sang.

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