Tuesday, December 31, 2013

31/12/13 (PART 2)

It's 10:06pm as I'm typing this.

2 hours into the new year.

We've come this far, I sat for my O levels, done things I shouldn't. Maybe someday in the future, I will look back and actually happy that I did such things. This time, last year, I was unprepared to sit for O levels because it wasn't my choice, but fast forward to today, here I am enjoying my holidays waiting for my results.

Life is good, if you are willing to live on everyday.

There's a quote that I keep close to my heart, for my O levels especially.

"You're not obligated to win, you're obligated to keep trying to the best you can do everyday"

And it's none other than Jason Mraz. hehe.

Been spending my last bits of 2013 at home because oh well my social life isn't that good. Or maybe because I'm just a lonely soul. Anyway, being at home isn't that bad right, I mean I'm saving my money, and also my travel cost but yeah once awhile, I do wanna go out. It's time to find a new job, and this time, I'm gonna find somewhere near my area.

Goodbye 2013, you've been a shitty year yet a year that thought my a lot of things.

I'm welcoming 2014 because Jason Mraz is releasing his new album in a span of 2 years HAH. And that means he's gonna tour the world, AND HELLO. I'M COMING FOR YA JASON.

okay bye. serious.

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