Thursday, December 19, 2013

171212 to where I am right now. Thank you

N Level 2012.
Proudest moment of my life, I shall confessed. (Please don't mind the ugliness in everything in me)

Let's go back to that time of the year, shall I?

1.45pm, met up with Nadzirul and Sabrina at my bustop in our uniforms, duhh. Everyone is feeling jittery including me. I was so nervous and scared because prior before the result day, I had recurring dreams of me doing badly for my exams. I was soooooo scared. Okay, so we were sitting down, I was sitting behind Sabrina and beside Nadzirul. We were joking around and such to ease ourselves. Renuga and Sab was holding hands to calm each other (?) ahhahahaha. I was trying to stay composed as the results was going to be released in any minute because Mr Lim was taking his time, talking about our career/academic paths after N Levels. LOL. I wasn't paying attention you see.

So, here comes the deal. The results everyone has been anticipating for.

First up was the NT students. The ones that top their classes are people I have never seen before HAHA. So I really don't know who was it.
Then came our class. Godammit. By this time, I was sweating sweats everywhere. I didn't mind my name not being called out, I was waiting for the time to pass by. First up for 13 and better, GuanFeng's name was called up for scoring 13 and below. It was a shock because he was super playful in that year. So technically everyone was not up for such results. Then Delon came up and well to cut short, everyone kinda knew because he is the mr know it all I guess. Hehe. Then suddenly, my name was called out. Can you imagine the shock I had? I did not expect such thing. I was so shock I didn't want to stand up. I wasn't even relieved! Every step towards the stage makes my legs tremble and it kinda almost gave way. But I had to stay composed or else it will be a major embarrassment in my secondary life. On my way, I heard Mr Kes or Mr Nur saying some congratulatory remarks. I didn't take notice because I was overwhelm! I shook Mr Tham's hands. It wasn't my first time on stage though but it was awkward to actually shake hands with someone. Mr Tham's hands was firm and he said "congratulations". I did not know what happen on stage. I was in for a shock. I quickly rush back to my place where I had everyone around me saying some good remarks and praised me. I did not feel that good because I wasn't used to this praising stuffs. Well I knew I scored 13 and below but did not know my exact EMB3 which was - 12. Another shock.

Mr Kes congratulated me with "congrats ah you did well". Ahhhhh, next up was the decision to choose my next path. As per normal, I had no control of it.  I was eligible for all the business courses that I wanted but mother wanted an O level certificate in my life. With a heavy heart, I had to continue my 5th year in JSS. And the rest is history. I went to school for 11 months. Prepared for my O levels and in the end I overcame my O levels finally. And here I am typing, waiting for another 3 weeks before my results I released.

How time flies. Its been a year since my N level. Now I am waiting for Os. I don't put too much hope on my results as my GE1&GE2 was disappointing. But hey, I survived the fifth and final year in JSS with much drama. Lost my motivation to do well along the way, had some arguments, manage to lose some kilos, lost some friends, failed badly, feel like a loser, being a loner and wanting to skip school every god damn time.

I survived the trauma. 

And I had to thank this two.

They were literally super caring. 

I remember once I failed my GE1 super badly with only a pass in MT I think? And one day, Mr Lim was addressing about meet the parents in the parade square and pointed those who failed badly. I knew I failed but I was surprised at the pass I had which was only 1. Even Mr Lim was shocked. He eventually called me out to talk to me personally at the spot. I remember vividly he asked "Ayuni, what happened to you? Why you did badly?". I did not answer. I had no answer actually. In the end, I answered that I did not study and that everything is so difficult for me. I remember seeing his eyes filled with concern for my academic abilities at that point of time. He was like a father at that point of time.Then weeks before GE2 commenced, I was outside staff room waiting for a teacher and suddenly he walked out and in the end both of us walk together to class. We were chatting about my studies and he was asking about how am I coping with it and such. He was so caring I feel so undeserving as a student.

Mr Kes is always the man behind my source of motivation. Once I was chosen for a geography file check and after he returned back mine, I was flipping through my file and saw a note inside saying "Dear Ayuni, neat and orderly system. Do your best and be focused this year. I believe that you can do well. I also need you to believe in yourself! Good Luck!". At this point, my heart feels so warm because he was so caring. There were other times he actually helped me like once we were doing his geog work in class and suddenly he came and sit beside me and asked if I needed help. There's a lot of times where I did not call out for his help and he would asked me if I needed one. I really did not know why. It make me feel obligated to actually work hard and start passing his subject which I had been failing since the start of the year. And so I work hard for GE2, I constantly asked him for help either through whatsapp or message and he would reply. And in the end, my result for GE2, I made it barely! I even had dreams of Mr Kes in it saying that I pass for my geography! I was elated of course!

And Mr Nur. No words for him but had to best math teacher I ever had. Sucha father figure. I could rant all I want about him. He's an amazing teacher. Really really very thankful for Mr Nur and all his words. Without him, I don't think I'll ever pass my Maths e v e r  in my life. Well I did pass my maths for the first time last year and its all thanks to him.

Thank you teachers.

Thank you.

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