Friday, November 29, 2013

Grad nite 181113

I'm back. After 7 months missing. 

Lets start on Graduation Nite 13. Best night I shall say. (not on the food please though it was much better than last years lol). Was late because of the rain (and my hair too), met up with the bestfriend under my block and took 187. And there we are stranded once we alight, because the rain got slightly heavier and wanted to cross the road (jaywalk i meant) but the traffic was not forgiving. Heavy vehicles zoom passed us. In the end, we flag a cab, pathetically paid $3.22 but hey its still money alright.

This time round their ballroom was at 2nd floor, but much smaller. But it was very beautiful and rather dim to suit the occasion I supposed. Finding the table number was a hassle and had to walk past the many tables filled with the other batch. I felt like the ugliest girl ever in the room. Everyone was don prettily in bling bling and makeups on their face and there I was, plain j a n e. Table 40 it is, we took. Thankfully were not the late ones as there was the fashionably late others. HAHA. And the etiquette lesson began and Mr Matt was a hilarious host, I swear he could be something better than being a teacher. He has got to be the most confident human being I've ever met.
It was rather mundane because I've heard the lesson before and my stomach was growling, bear in mind I skipped breakfast and lunch totally for this dinner okay. I took 1 hour or more before the appetizer was served. If I can recall, it was this toast garlic bread and mushroom soup. Nomz to the mushroom soup. Totally upscale than last years where it was s u p e r watery. And then it was game time which I am not interested in and we ran off to the toilet and I did my hair and took some pictures. By the time we came back, they were still talking but there was a performance by Ms J. I gave my thumbs up to the fingerstyle guitarist behind her, he was superb. I totally, wholeheartedly enjoyed the performance because of him. AND TADA, THE MAIN COURSE IS SERVED. It was chicken with wedges and hotdogs and it
was nicer and juicier and tender than last years. I kept comparing with last year because I HAD TO. Then it was some award and lucky draw thingy, and Yingyi and some express guy Marcus (i think) won the grad queen and king. I'm not surprised Yingyi won though, she was absolutely stunning and bloody tall. Everyone was a midget beside her. She was don in this black tight dress with 3/4 sleeves and her glorious locks fell down below to her waist. She was just simple looking but stunning.

Then came the saddest part, farewell. Everyone took picture of their favorite person and everything. I did not take a picture with Mr Nur because he left early. But I took a picture with Mr Chia, and that win hands down. HEHEHEHHE.

Well that was my best highlight of the day that is. Because I've waited for 2 b l o o d y years to actually take a picture with him as I was so timid and have no guts to do so but I don't know why I had one during grad nite hahahahhaha. See how happy I was. Actually, I was a little surprised by the hand on my shoulder. AND I COULD FEEL HIS CHEST AND IT WAS THAT CLOSE. Yes my awkward hands, everywhere is awkward. I had no idea what to do to not make it awkward, I can't put my hand behind his back right, hello, limits here. (unlike some people la they are super natural ahhaha). Well I won't be seeing sucha handsome teacher in my school life e v e  because I'm leaving JSS for good and he's leaving too L O L. 

And on that night, I sleep with a smile on my face. 


thanks for these friends who were there when i had nobody in class 2013
i love you to bits

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