Wednesday, April 24, 2013

mabel. not so mabel.

Hello. I am very happy. I finally reached my 74kg weight mark. I mean its only 74.8kg. I really thought that I will be like 77kg or something like that because my food intake this week was no joke. I literally gorge this week. But surprisingly I did drop a few kg ehheheheheheh.

Apart from that, unhappy a tiny bit because of mabel. Bloody teacher. I really dont know man. Shouldnt all teachers be thankful grateful and appreciative that A BLOODY STUDENT WAS WILLING TO EVEN GO SCHOOL EVEN IF SHE WAS LATE. OMG. Bloody stupid leh. O well teachers. LOL.

But i don't care, she tried screaming at me but i dont care because i dont think its entirely my fault? Hahahha i did my part in attending school even if i am late, and i wanted to study and not fucking enter a 4 wall room to just stone there, NO. I dont get the point of sending us there, isn't it better to let us go back to class where its much productive and furthermore I AM STILL IN SCHOOL. Fucking JSS is bloody stupid. Stupid system.

1 week detention hah. lol. As if i give a damn.

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