Friday, February 17, 2012

what iz thiz

cb annoyed.

nvm won't tell, teehes but today Maths paper was easy! HOPE TO PASS, because I scared the question will have trick like that. . . HAHA. And yeah screwed both my compo and compre paper for EL. Goodbye EL sciences and humans and maybe MT too. Almost everything fail, goodjob. Mum gonna blow me up upside down left right.

doubt anyone would read this but LOL I feel sad today, literally sad because I realized something. And yes today I was late like finally after how Manu times of escaping right? Like since last week? And today's latecoming, mr chia was there haahaha like blessing in disguise man.

And can I stop dreaming!!!!! Agh IT WONT HAPPEN OKAY, IT WONT. but still hoping won't cause no harm. . . Haiz

xoxoxoxoxoxoxox by the ugly sad depressed fat frustrated girl.

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