Sunday, January 22, 2012



Been, like so stress past few days with the humid weather and such and also Maths and especially FN. Seriously. Almost cried on one of the days after Maths lesson because 1)I can't understand 2)some people was trying to teach me when I was trying to like focus and concentrate on how to do it 3)I hate reading graphs .

Secondly, 14 Jan is long over already. Don't even know why I didn't forget those times? Bleagh. Later there is religious class. Holycoconut. Kekee and today there is, and sad thing is I saw my religious teacher posted on fb that he will be going for NS medical checkup which means he will be enlisting for NS in a few months. Haiz. So either way, he won't be teaching us anymore why oh why. And someone or okay Syafiq told me to get B3 for Maths in N level, omgggggg. But why he so caring?! HAHA he is an O level kid, and yeah, graduated. And he's asking me to get B3. Insane at its most. Hahahahah.

Been dying to study but everytime I tried to study there's distractions, either iPhone, too much homeworks or just plain tired. Slowly losing hope on studies but I DONT WANT TO GIVE UP DAMMIT. O.O . I wanna die-.-

anyway, I had menses again. 2 times this month. I just ended my first period for January like around LAST WEEK?!? This is the end of 3rd week and I ended it last week. Omg what happen?! Fuggggggg.

And watch the incredible tales about the taxi driver and the policeman looked like mr lionel chia HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA, serious shit. The way he talks, LOL. And dammit. I miss Ravin's face. K, whoever read it lol read lorh, he also not in school anymore. :)

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