Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hai im back. And i can say its been 4 months every since you talked to me. And trust me i dont know what have i done still. Wtpeck. Bleagh just missing those times where you annoy the hell out of me. remember when i was at the corridor outside Redx room and you walked past and i didnt smile but you grinned at me so big. Wow lol miss those. Then remember when i was buying food and you came from behind and chested my body pushing me? And i could feel your private part lol cuz you were that close. I miss you. Awkward but yeah. Bye. And i still DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAVE I DONE. 27 March will always be fresh on my mind. The day you touched my cheeks and the next day you didnt wanna talked to me and that uou suddenly change in just a day. Its not even a day even, its just like 15 hours? Omg WHAT HAVE I DONE?!:(

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