Monday, February 13, 2012

stress yo self

formation free fatty acids>rancidity>undesirable off flavours and odours in fats and fat-containing foods such as milk.
enzymatic browning>browning reaction>food undergone oxidation>due to oxidising enzymes>polyphenol oxidase>in presence of oxygen (etc is a cut apple that is exposed to air)

Micro organisms>tiny living cells>unseen by human eye>needs air food moisture right temp and pH cnditions to grow>found in air water soil sewage and even our bodies>food is ideal medium>provides moisture and nutrients to grow>thus food>susceptible to micro organisms>spoilage.

food storage environments>light oxygen temperature humidity .

Chiller(-5c and below for cooked foods and food that is being thawed) Freezer(-18c and below for frozen foods) Crisper(for veges)

Food preservation> drying/dehydrating freezing heat treatment(uht) pasteurization using preservatives and vacuum packing .
Drying/dehydrating>removal of water from the food so micro organisms isnt able to survive.
freezing > activities of enzymes and micro organisms are inhibited
Heat treatment >applying heat to food suchas UHT that destroys all micro organisms.
Pasteurisation>food heated at 60-80c for a short period of time>deactivate the micro organisms awhile
Using preservatives>some chemical preservatives can cause poisoning to micro organisms thus die.
Vacuum bag>food is wrapped in plastic film or place in polythene bag>air is remove!

Shop smart>shopbwhr is clean>be adventurous>look for discount>compare prices>read food LABELS.

Food labels>list of ingredients>date ofnexpir>name of food>manufacturer place>net weight>product by country>instructions on usage
Nutrional labels>serving size>number of servings>daily value intake>calories conversion guide>list of nutrients

Definition of fortified>to add to food>calcium added to bread.>added to increase nutritive value
definition of enriched>to have nutrients which may be lost suruh production to be added in food>orange juice eneriched with vitamin c.

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