Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Page 4 of 366

As how the title says, yeah did CIP today with chandra sab and suria. I swear i am pissed at chandra big time.

And yes, my mind seriously cannot stop thinking about him lol. Can you like imagine if he was in my class and yeah you know how it continues from there hahahha. I miss seeing his face. Haiz miss seeing him with his class. Omaigosh. Why oh why.

and yes mr chia is not track and field in charge anymore! Can go training already! Okay la basically i dont want to go training cuz he is there and he is so distracting la! Hahahaa yes, today teachers wore yellow! OMG SO STRIKING AND NICE. Mr Chia wore yellow so wowzxcz! *•*

And yes urgh why do i miss you man. why why why go n die la this feeling. so sad.

2nd day of school, not looking that good this year, hate that mr chia isnt our PE teacher anymore nor our Geog teacher urgh, why! Mdm Wang? Omygosh seriously lah...... 2.4 all da way

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