Saturday, December 10, 2011

i want rachel

felt devastated with rachel crow elimination man, i like her alot please, she's young but her talent shine like sunflower like that. marcus didnt deserve to stay, it should be rachel. America and Nicole was to be blamed.

urgh, felt like crying when she was eliminated -_-

okay, went Aishi house to do homeworks but end up, whut? WATCH MOVIE. stupid Insidious, scary shit, i can die man watching that. I pity the father lah, now stucked in another world. stupid witch. And apparently, Mano was there too, kinda paisey at first, but after that okay already, all joke lol. Cuz first time talk la thats why, if not in school never talk, and he was HALF NAKED. -_- Then aishi's cuzzie came, lol screamed while watching Insidious la okay, omg embarassing la. Suspense only.

and went uncle house and ate spaghetti, was hungry like hbfhebfgeb. And aunt bought something for me at Krabbi... okay la, im so sleepy. hehe. i like aishi house.....

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